Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding......
Proverbs 3:5

Monday, January 11, 2010

Looks like one more day in the clink...

So Dawn woke up this morning with more nausea than usual. The assistant to the nuero surgeon came by to see if we could go home today. She was concerned about the pain managment not being under control yet, so she said we are going to stay one more day and see if we can work that out. All that means is getting down to one kind of pain med and lengthing the time between doses. Dawn actually mentioned several times that she wasnt in pain as much today, it was the nausea that was really bothering her. So we went for another trianing walk this morning and then Dawn got some stronger nausea meds delivered so she took that and fell right to sleep. So its nap time and more news later.


  1. Anita Swanton (for the Swanton Family)January 11, 2010 at 12:34 PM

    We have been watching at all the progress & are so amazed that she will be going home so quickly after this type of surgery. God & her strength are apparently on her side!

  2. thinking of all of you!!!
    the crowes
    lisa freddie sofia miles

  3. Very proud of you! Have you chosen your going home hat? Nancy
